Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The pig

Far away, the setting sun warmed the farm in a dusky pink glow, as Tom the pig settled in for the night. It had been a very long day. Shane the owner of Tom saw his pink snout that twitched as he shifted. As Tom was rolling in the mud Shane tipped the water on Tom and saw his small eyes were sharp and inquisitive. When Shane dried Tom up Shane saw his Patches of coarse hair stuck out from his face in tufts. When shane went to eat out the window he saw Tom and he was nosy by nature always wanting to know what was  going on around him.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

John s old woman

It was clear from her stare that she knew exactly what I had done. She had deep channels of time, etched into a wizened surface. I could see her keen eyes, alight with mischievous youth. The old woman had cracked lips furling around gums where teeth once stood. She had rich indigo velvet, folded carefully to frame her face.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Fold A Flower

Last week we were working on fold a flower, here are some words I wasn't sure of.

Example: To cross the road carefully, you have to
look both ways.
If something is patterned,It has lots of design like
polka dots and stripes.

Fold a flower

Example: To cross the road carefully, you have to
look both ways.
If something is patterned,It has lots of design like
polka dots and stripes.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Milk For Schools

Fonterra milk for schools is a programme for kids to get milk every day at school. Each
week, a milk truck comes to the school with boxes of milk which get into a refrigerator one person  from every class takes enough  milk  from  the box to their  classroom every  student  gets  a carton of  milk  to  drink  once you have drunk it  dry  you need to fold it up and put  it in the recycling bin.


Milk For Schools

Fonterra milk for schools is a programme for kids to get milk every day at school. Each
week, a milk truck comes to the school with boxes of milk which get into a refrigerator one person  from every class takes enough  milk  from  the box to their  classroom every  student  gets  a carton of  milk  to  drink  once you have drunk it  dry  you need to fold it up and put  it in the recycling bin.


Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Holidays Mereana, Kali, John from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.

we've been learning how to use IMovie, here's how our holiday went.